Non-Bank Publications

IKNB Directory 2016
December 29, 2016

The OJK publishes non-bank financial institutions directory 2016.

OJK Revokes Koperasi Pembiayaan Indonesia’s Business License
February 26, 2016

List of General Insurance, Life Insurance, Reinsurance, Obligatory Insurance, and Social Insurance Companies
January 26, 2016

OJK has released ​list of general insurance, life Insurance, reinsurance, obligatory insurance and social insurance companies as of December 31, 2015.

Business License Applications Flow
January 25, 2016

OJK Deems That Insurance Industry Plays Significant Roles in National Development
November 19, 2015

Within the last four years from 2011 to 2014, assets of conventional insurance industry grew more than 16 percent in average. Similarly with the average of investment growth and premium, which consecutively grew 14.4 percent and 21 percent.

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