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The 5 Main Focus of the 2023 State Budget: First, Build Superior Quality Human Resources

  • 05 Jun 2023 - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed financial notes at the DPR plenary meeting, Tuesday (16/8). There are five main focuses in the 2023 Draft State Budget. Jokowi emphasized that he will focus on building superior quality human resources. Included in improving the quality of education.

"The strategy that will be pursued is as follows. First, the 2023 State Budget is focused on five main agendas, namely one strengthening the quality of superior human resources who are productive, innovative and competitive through improving the quality of education and the health system, as well as accelerating social protection system reform," said Jokowi.

Jokowi added that the two accelerated infrastructure development to support economic transformation. Particularly infrastructure development in the fields of energy, food, connectivity, and Information and Communication technology.

"Three strengthening the effectiveness of the implementation of bureaucratic reform and simplification of regulations," said Jokowi.

Fourth, the implementation of industrial revitalization, by encouraging downstream to increase export-based, high value-added economic activities. "Five, encourage the development and development of a green economy," said Jokowi. [rnd]

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Tags :

  • SDM
  • HR
  • Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Human Resources
  • Jokowi
  • APBN
  • SDM
  • HR
  • Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Human Resources
  • Jokowi
  • APBN