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Press Release: Two Fintech P2P Lending Services Providers Turn in Licenses

 Press Release: Two Fintech P2P Lending Services Providers Turn in Licenses

Jul 12 2024
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Jakarta, July 12, 2024. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) approved the turning in of business licenses from Fintech P2P Landing Services Organizers PT Akur Dana Abadi (Jembatan Emas) and PT Semangat Gotong Royong (Dhanapala).

OJK previously had revoked the two companies' business permits as stipulated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioner Number KEP-33/D.06/2024 dated July 3, 2024, for PT Akur Dana Abadi and Decree of the Board of Commissioner Number KEP-35/D.06/2024 dated July 5, 2024, for PT Semangat Gotong Royong.

Jembatan Emas applied for a Fintech P2P Lending Services Provider's business licenses reinstatement request due to their inability to implement capital terms on meeting the minimum equity and number of Board of Directors. The company is located in Gedung Senayan Business Center, at Jl. Senayan No. 39, Rawa Barat, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Dhanapala applied for a Fintech P2P Lending Services Provider's business licenses reinstatement request as the shareholders' strategic measure to centralize Fintech P2P Lending business activities in one entity due to the company's shareholder group's ownership of two entities engaging in Fintech P2P Lending business activities. The company is located in Ciputra World 2, 15th Floor, at Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav 11, Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta.

OJK will still monitor Jembatan Emas and Dhanapala's obligations following their business licenses revocations, taking measures such as:

  1. Terminating business activities in the Fintech P2P Lending industry;

  2. Implementing the General Meeting of the Shareholders, including the agenda to dismiss the legal body and formation of liquidation team, 30 days after the business licenses revocation at the latest, and;

  3. Fulfilling rights and obligations to the consumers and third parties.

Shareholders, Management and/or Employees of Jembatan Emas and Dhanapala are prohibited to transfer, guarantee, make collateral, use, and/or other actions that will reduce the amount and value of their assets.​

To provide legal certainties in protecting the consumers and other parties, Jembatan Emas and Dhanapala are required to liquidate and provide contact persons for Information Center and Public and Consumer Center.


For more information:

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa;

Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:

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