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Dissolution of Inti Pension Fund

 Dissolution of Inti Pension Fund

February 3, 2025
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Indonesia Financial Services Authority through Decision of Member of the Board of Commissioners Number KEP-13/D.05/2025 date January 23, 2025, regarding the Dissolution of Inti Pension Fund, hereby dissolves the Inti Pension Fund, located at Gedung Kantor Pusat PT INTI Lantai 4, Jl. Mohamad Toha No.77, Bandung 40253, effective from November 30, 2024.

The dissolution of the Inti Pension Fund is carried out upon the request of the Founder of Inti Pension Fund.

The aforementioned Decision of Member of Board of Commissioners Number KEP 13/D.05/2025 date January 23, 2025, also establishes the Liquidation Team to act as Liquidator of Inti Pension Fund as follows:

  1. Dadang Achmad Haedar, ST (Team Leader);

  2. Primadi Sulaiman (Team Member);

  3. Robby Gilang Ramadani Tobing (Team Member);

  4. Putty Oktaviani (Team Member);

  5. Dharma Harianda (Team Member); and

  6. Satriadi (Team Member).

with the address:

Gedung Kantor Pusat PT INTI, Jl. Mohamad Toha No.77, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40253.

Phone (022)-42829371

The Liquidation Team is responsible for carrying out the liquidation process in accordance with the regulation regarding the dissolution and liquidation of pension funds.

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