Satgas Pasti Terminates Business Activities from Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) Indonesia and Smart Wallet

Mar 18 2024


Illegal Financial Activities Eradication Task Force (Satgas Pasti) terminates business activities from Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) Indonesia and S​mart Wallet. The two companies are indicated to have conducted fraud and have not obtained a permit from the related authority.

BBH Indonesia as an entity/application has misused the name of Bartle Bogle Hegarty, an advertising agency in England. BBH Indonesia offered part-time jobs by downloading the apps they required.

BBH Indonesia guaranteed daily income and asked for deposits for its member. BBH Indonesia used the member-get-member system and promised bonus in accordance with the members' levels. BBH Indonesia also hired foreign citizens to pose in their meetings to convince their members.

After verifying and holding coordination meeting with the task force members as well as summoning several BBH Indonesia management members, Satgas Pasti concluded that BBH Indonesia have conducted activities outside the obtained permit issued by the Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Satgas Pasti have taken actions, namely access and link/URL blocking, related bank account blocking, and coordination with the law enforcement.

Satgas Pasti also reminds the public to be aware of the increasing spread of fraud with part-time job offer schemes. As stated in the Satgas Pasti Press Release Number SP 11/STPASTI/XII/2023 on December 30, 2023, Satgas Pasti has discovered at least 12 entities using part-time job offer and deposit system schemes.


Smart Wallet

Based on the investigation by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency and Indonesian Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade, Smart Wallet was concluded to have conducted fund gathering under the guise of robot trading/expert advisor using the multi-level marketing system and have not obtained operating permit in Indonesia.

Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency and the Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade have blocked access and link/URL to Smart Wallet, in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.

Satgas Pasti will block related bank accounts and coordinate with law enforcement.

Illegal finance activities eradication requires support and involvement from the public. The public is encouraged to practice discretion upon encountering offers from irresponsible parties by considering the Legality and Logical (2L) aspects.

'Legality' means the product and services offered have obtained the suitable permit from the monitoring authorities/institutions. 'Logical' means considering whether the incomes and profits offered are fair and reasonable.

Anyone who has found information or encountered investment and online loans that seems suspicious or illegal, or offers with unreasonably high interest rate or profit may report this activity to Kontak OJK at dial number 157, WhatsApp (081157157157), or through or

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