
Moody’s Investors Service Annual Assessment of Indonesia’s Sovereign Credit Rating

On 27 January 2023, OJK Chairman, Mr. Mahendra Siregar, led OJK delegates during a meeting with Moody’s Investors Service as part of its annual assessment of Indonesia’s sovereign credit rating.

Mr. Mahendra mentioned that the stability of Indonesia’s financial system is well-maintained, thus supporting domestic economic growth in the middle of global uncertainty. To overcome the scarring effect of the pandemic and maintain the intermediary function, OJK issued targeted policies to support specific segments, sectors, industries, and regions requiring an additional restructuring relaxation period of one year until 31st March 2024.  

During the meeting, Mr. Mahendra also explained the importance of a complete understanding of the new Financial Sector Omnibus Law (Law on Financial Sector Development and Strengthening/UU P2SK), which is expected to develop and strengthen Indonesia’s financial sector to support the national economy.