Grow-In OJK

Visit OJK


Student Visit Program

As a form of service to the community and in order to improve public financial literacy, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) welcomes visits from educational institutions/institutions who wish to broaden their horizons on the duties and functions of OJK and the Financial Services Sector.

Terms of visit:

  1. Schedule visit Tuesday (except national holidays) with time:
    1. Session 1 : 09.30 – 11.30 WIB.
    2. Session 2 : 13.30 – 15.30 WIB.
  2. The minimum number of participants is 50 people and a maximum of 150 people
  3. Registration Procedure:
    1. Fill out a visit request form in this following link:
    2. Include an official visit request letter from the agency (letterhead with agency logo) along with a visit request form addressed to:
      Direktur Pengembangan Sektor Jasa Keuangan 
      Wisma Mulia 2, Lantai 20
      Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.42, RT.3/RW.2
      Jakarta Selatan 12710
  4. The form and application letter for visits and agencies can be sent in scanned form via email by including the subject: OJK Visit Application Letter from (name of agency) (Department).
  5. Approval of a visit request is made based on the order in which the application is submitted. OJK can refuse a visit request if at the same time there is another visit. Applicants can change the date and time to suit the time of visit by contacting us.
  6. If the visit request has been approved, the person in charge/PIC of the activity must confirm attendance/cancellation a maximum of 7 (Seven) working days before the activity takes place to number 021-2960000 ext. 4152. If you do not confirm or cannot be contacted, then OJK can cancel the visit unilaterally.
  7. When visiting, participants are required to:
    1. Dress neatly, politely and do not use sandals.
    2. Do not smoke within the OJK environment.
    3. Maintain cleanliness and don't litter.
    4. Follow the directions and directions given during the visit.
    5. Participate in activities in an orderly manner and actively participate in the sessions provided.

"We are waiting for your visit at OJK"


Tags :

  • Student Visit Program
  • Program Kunjungan Mahasiswa
  • VisitOJK
  • Student Visit Program
  • Student Visit Program
  • Program Kunjungan Mahasiswa
  • VisitOJK
  • Student Visit Program